Tax Planning & Advisory Sr Specialist O824

CIMB Group
On-site (di lokasi)
Jakarta Selatan


  1. Memberikan konsultasi/advis kepada bisnis unit internal Bank maupun kepada Group terkait dengan implikasi perpajakan atas suatu transaksi/produk/perjanjian dsb

  2. Menganalisa dampak dari suatu aturan perpajakan terhadap kegiatan usaha Bank, menuangkan dalam tax memo dan mensosialisasikan kepada bisnis unit yang terdampak

  3. Mempersiapkan data-data yang dibutuhkan untuk penyusunan Transfer Pricing Documentation dan Country by Country Report (CbCR)

  4. Melakukan perhitungan PPh Badan bulanan dan tahun dan memberikan analisa dari hasil perhitungan terkait dengan eksposur dan mitigasi atas eksposur 

  5. Melakukan rekonsiliasi dengan SL biaya dan melakukan review atas daftar nominatif biaya promosi dan biaya entertainment secara bulanan

  6. Melakukan review dan rekonsiliasi atas data dan dokumen lampiran SPT PPh Badan

Strategy & Planning

To maka a plan for all tax payment obligation and ensure that’s comply with tax law and regulations

Business Performance and Management

I.    Quarterly Tax Calculation and Reporting

1.    To ensure that the tax calculation has complied with tax law and regulations.
2.    To make sure the quarterly tax installment calculation is generally reflect the tax payable at the end of the year and no tax overpayment on full year calculation
3.    Prepare quarterly corporate tax reporting

II.    Monthly Tax Calculation

To ensure that the company's monthly tax reports have been calculated correctly and properly in accordance with applicable tax laws and regulations.

III.    Annual Tax Report

1.    To ensure that the annual corporate tax calculation is correct and comply with tax law and regulations and in line with the management’s risk appetite.
2.    To ensure the annual corporate tax reporting form is filled properly and submitted to the tax office in a timely manner.
3.    To ensure all attachments related to corporate tax reporting are available and proper.
4.    To ensure that annual corporate tax payments and reporting have been conducted properly and within the stipulated timeline.

IV.    Withholding Tax Obligation and Reporting (Income Tax Article 21,23,26,4 (2) Final, VAT)
1.    To ensure that the withholding tax and VAT collection have been made in accordance with applicable tax law and regulations.
2.    To ensure that the tax payment and reporting are conducted properly
3.    To provide reconciliation between expenses and the tax being withhold
4.    To ensure that all supporting documents are completes

V. Tax Audit / Disputes

1.    To ensure that the tax audit process are align with the regulations
2.    To ensure that the tax findings are under our predictions and has been communicated with management.
3.    To ensure that the Bank will object the disputes until the highest level (Supreme Court)

VI. Tax Advisory

1. To ensure that the Bank's tax policies are always up-to-date and have been executed properly
2. All the banking products have been reviewed.

People Management
All the staff has tax knowledge and continually updates


  1. S1 akuntansi/perpajakan

  2. Berpengalaman bekerja di Bank khusus bidang perpajakan minimum 4 tahun

  3. Memiliki pengetahuan atas peraturan perundang-undangan perpajakan dan akuntansi perpajakan terutama terkait dengan industri perbankan

  4. Good attitude, bisa bekerja sama dalam tim, cepat tanggap, komunikatif, fast learner, mempunyai kemampuan adaptasi yg baik